Baby Brooks you are two months old! Time is flying Love Muffin! You are such a sweet are smiling and cooing now and it melts me!(And Daddy, and Griffin, Peyton and Reece, and your aunts, and your grandparents!Ha!)
-You are still nursing like a champ! At your two month check up you weighed 12 pounds and 12 ounces which is the 75th percentile. Your height was in the 75th percentile also..your head 95th percentile.
-You are wearing mostly size 3 month clothing, some 3-6.
-You are still in a size 1 diaper.
-You LOVE bath time!
-You HATE to ride in the car! If you are asleep, you’re fine. If someone is sitting in the back with you, you’re fine. But any other time you scream the entire car ride. It’s sad, really.
-You have put yourself on somewhat of a schedule! Especially at night, you’ll eat around 6, then sleep until around midnight, then eat around 3 and 5. I’m up at 5 anyway so that’s not even night to me!
-You took your first trip to the beach crib this month!
-You have SUPER long long they curl!
-You still have the best lips!
-You have dark hair and the most beautiful blue eyes just like Griffin, Peyton and Reece!
Dude, you did NOT want to take pictures with the elephant this month! HAHA!
Smiling with Daddy while Mommy shopped!
OH and you LURVE the Moby Wrap!
We love you so much little buddy!
I'm gonna have to get a moby wrap for my next baby. Looks a lot more comfortable than the Baby Bjorn. And Brooks is ADORABLE. Those eyes kill me!
Thank you! He seriously LOVES it. If he's tired and I put him in it he's out in about 2 seconds!
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