Monday, July 22, 2013

Beach Bums!

We have seriously turned into some beach bums! Brooks is 3 months old today and just had his 3rd beach trip! As long as Josh is off on the weekends, that’s where you’ll find us!

Griff was riding his bike when he looked up at this tree…I could see the wheels turning and by the time I looked back up, this is where he was!20130719_17050020130721_102943Pey did this for about 20 minutes because we DO NOT get in the water when there’s a red flag! Keepin’ it real folks!20130721_102940Griff dug a hold and buried himself…notice the pretty little storm in the background!20130721_102936Presh!20130721_102929Reecey and her baby!20130721_181502 We found a note that Granna and Aunt Janna left for us at Tacky Jacks!20130721_170024

I took the kids on a walk around the block while we were there. The boys wanted to ride their bikes so I pushed Brooks in the stroller and Reece and I walked. We got around the corner and out of the corner of my eye I could see something coming at me. I turned and it was a pit bull, charging straight at me and Brooks! My heart sank, but I knew that if I acted scared it may be bad. So, I just kept my cool and ignored her, she licked me on the back of my leg as I kept walking….thankfully! Scared me to death. I know pit bulls have a “bad name” like dobies, but I really think it was just how she looked when she was coming at me! I can definitely see why people are scared of them!

Hope you all have a wonderful week!

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