Monday, June 24, 2013

Fun in the Sun!

This weekend we spent some much needed time at the beach! This was Brooks’ first trip and he did great! I, on the other hand, am worn slap out! It was worth it though! AND Hubs received an email while we were down there that he’s now off on the weekends again so now we can go anytime!

The older three kids LOVE the beach so I really didn’t think Brooks would be any different. And he wasn’t! He’s a beach bum too! He slept most of the time either in the Moby Wrap(which he LOVES) or on me or Josh! He’s not old enough for sun screen so I was terrified of him getting burnt, I just kept him covered completely when we weren’t under an umbrella or tent!(which was only walking to/from the car!) Nursing wasn’t that big of an issue, we have a Yukon so I just took him to the car and he nursed in the back. That was a great time to cool off too!

Reece and I did a little shopping…gotta have girl time! And we took the kids to one of the arcades and blew way too much money and drove go-carts! ;)

Um I know she’s mine, but come on! So STANKIN cute!DSC_0386

I LOVE that there are SIX of us! For real, six! And I love that Reece and I are outnumbered! No worries, we hold our own! We’re definitely in charge of all these boys! DSC_0382 Yes, that would be Griffin! HA!DSC_0385  They would be perfectly content to do this all day!DSC_0393His first time to see the ocean! ;)DSC_0375 Tan little booger!DSC_0402 DSC_0406 DSC_0428 I had these big plans to dress them all cute and take pictures on the beach. Um, yea…no. Too tired for all that so I settled for the couch! HAHA! Maybe next time!DSC_0433


1 comment :

Unknown said...

Your kiddos are adorable!!! Looks like a great time! You definitely don't look like you have had four kids!