Friday, March 15, 2013

34 Weeks!

DSC_0637 How far along: 34 Weeks!

Size of the baby: According to the Pregnant Chicken

“Wow your baby is about five pounds now so if you wanted to get an idea of what it would be like to have him or her on this side of your belly, simply carry around a bag of sugar, don’t shower for two days and keep asking your husband if he thinks what ‘the baby’ is doing is normal or should you call the doctor. That should give you an idea of what the first few weeks are like with an infant.”

Yea, pretty much! And I’m feeling every bit of those 5 pounds right now! It’s also about 18 inches long!

Total weight gain/loss: Don’t know, not weighing anymore unless I’m at the doc!

Maternity clothes: Yes.

Stretch marks: Old one.

Sleep: Meh again this week! I was up a lot again on Sunday night. What is it with Sunday’s and no sleep? The other nights sleep is ok. I guess. Not really. But it’s what I expect at this point.

Best moment this week: This right here…

IMG_20130314_123101 She had field trip to the park yesterday for a picnic so I stopped by. Man, I love my little sidekick! She’s going to be the best big sister ever!

Movement: Oh yes. Lots of dancing and hiccups that you can see from the outside and all that jazz!

Food cravings/aversions: I was craving pecan pie! I found a recipe for a pecan pie cobbler and made it Sunday. Ohhh emmm geee! It was SO good! And I just need sweet tea once a day. WITH lemon!

Gender: Don’t know. But what I DO know is that it’s a Landon or Avery! :)

Labor signs: Nope. But baby’s been head down for a long time now and seems to be gravitating lower. Yay!

Belly button in or out: In. Yes in still.

What I am looking forward to: I’m excited about our ultra sound on Wednesday! And I’m excited for a beautiful and WARM(75ish!!) weekend!

Hopefully I can share nursery pictures soon! I’ve changed my mind on things so many times there’s no telling how it will look when I’m done. I am mainly just waiting on something for the wall that will hopefully be done soon!

And let me tell y’all a little something about my POTTY MOUTH!!! It’s bad. Things are just flying out of my mouth that I haven’t said in years! HAHA!

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