Friday, March 8, 2013

33 Weeks!

DSC_0635 How far along: 33 Weeks!

Size of the baby: According to the Pregnant Chicken

“Your baby is pretty close to being finished growing lengthwise, but it will do some serious beefing up over the next seven weeks. Many sites compare your baby to a pineapple now, which sounds like the most uncomfortable thing to be carrying in your body aside from maybe a ball of barbed wire and broken glass. Your soft, beautiful baby is around 17 inches long and about 4.5 lbs.”

If you are pregnant you should sign up for her weekly emails! She is super fun!

Total weight gain/loss: Up 31 pounds.

Maternity clothes: Yes.

Stretch marks: Old one.

Sleep: Meh. I was up all night Sunday night, then I slept really good a few nights.

Best moment this week: My nurse telling me I only gained 1 pound in two weeks! Haha!

Movement: All the time. Y’all know this! I really think this baby is long. We’ll see!

Food cravings/aversions: Bread. The insides of Panera bread to be exact!

Gender: Don’t know! BUT my little gender predicting nephew has said it’s a girl since the day he found out I was pregnant until today! Now he says boy! ;)

Labor signs: Nope.

Belly button in or out: In.

What I am looking forward to: An extra ultrasound in two weeks! The more I think about the “measuring big” thing the more I think the dr. just measured wrong. He was a student. But that’s ok because we’ll get an extra peek at the little one!

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