Monday, August 16, 2010

Bad Blogger

And again, I can’t keep up. I have no excuses today except for the fact that I am pooped. So freakin’ tired. I guess with everything going on last week with school starting and getting the boys back in a routine it just wiped me out!

Oh and Josh sold his car last week and got a new one and all the hype with that made me nervous and stressed….which made me more tired. Hubs didn’t get just any old car…he got a real life The Fast and the Furious car! It came from Japan…you drive it from the right side…kinda neat. I’ll get him to post pics! Someone called him Paul Walker on his facebook and I almost peed in my pants I was laughing so hard! ha!

Anywho, I’m tired. Reece did great at gymnastics last week…that deserves a post all by itself…I will tease you and say that everything was peachy ‘til I hit her in the head accidentally with my camera. :( She has class again tonight and I hope to get some good pictures!

The boys are doing GREAT in school! So happy with the teachers they got!


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