Friday, December 11, 2009


Reece's birthday party is tomorrow! Her birthday's not until the 20th but I think we can celebrate her day and it be ALL about her easier by having the party earlier! I'm sure we will have a little mini party for her, just us, on the actual day next weekend! If you haven't figured it out yet, we're big on birthday's at our house! We pretty much go all out for our munchkins! I just picked up her cake from Celebrations and I think it's the cutest cake I have ever seen! I'm keeping it a secret until after the party so you'll have to wait on pics! While I was there I HAD to get a strawberry cupcake which meant I HAD to bring one back for Allison. I know she is supposed to be laying off the sweets but, it DOES have real strawberries in it so it's healthy, right? I'm an enabler, what can I say??



Beverly said...

Aww! The day is finally here huh? I remember the first day I worked there and you were holding little Reece in your arms!! Time has sure flown!! Oh, and who can pass up a strawberry cupcake from celebrations?? Well, besides your dad??

Allison said...

That was a mighty fine cupcake, too!