Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Mostly pictures today! We had a wonderful Thanksgiving...it's just not long enough. We can never get around to see all of our family! We started out at Mimi's for lunch.....

Hubs, Reece, me, Allison and Noah
Master P putting it back!
Reece, Mom and Griffin
Granddaddy and Mom

We were trying to set the table and they were stealing the meat!

After lunch, it was time for some serious Domino playing! Griff, Allison and Brad were playing...the three most competitive people I know! Griffin KICKED THEIR BUTTS!HA!
You stick your tongue out to concentrate hard....
Or your belly, you know, whatever floats your boat! ha!
Then we had a photo shoot at home!
He's my favorite!

Attempt at a family pic...

Then for supper we headed to Papa and Gigi's...where no one wanted their picture taken except for Lily......
She is so darn cute. And she knows how to say Roll Tide Roll! No joke!
We hope your Thanksgiving was as fabulous as ours!

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