Monday, May 11, 2009

Not Me Monday!

This blog carnival was started by McMama so scooch on over to her blog and find out how you can play!

Yesterday was Mother's Day. I decided to make things easy on myself. So, when Reece wanted chocolate pudding before lunch I certainly DID NOT let her eat it! I mean, that would spoil her lunch, right? I would never!

While fussing at Griffin the other day I absolutely did not call him Peyton the entire time that I was getting on to him. And when I was finished he did not look up at me with those baby blues and say,"ummm, my name is Griffin." 'Cause I DID give birth to him and I would NEVER get him mixed up with the others!

When Josh was getting ready to discard that snake I so DID NOT tell him to stop and wait a sec because I needed to get the camera and take a pic for the blog!
That's it folks, everything I did not do last week!
And, I DO NOT keep typing coco instead of xoxo!

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