Friday, May 15, 2009

Kelsie's Graduation

I'm so glad yesterday is OVER! That was one emotional day for you know who! Kelsie's graduation sent me flying back nine years to the night I graduated.(yep, I said NINE, I told you I was old!) It's crazy how time has flown since that night and how much things have changed! I went from living at home with my mom going to college to living out on my own by myself to getting married to my fabulous man to having a baby to Josh becoming a cop to having another baby to building our house to having another baby...I'm sure I missed something in there but I'm SURE it wasn't a baby! hee hee!

Whew that was a LONG time ago!

I really wanted to cry like a baby when Kelsie walked across and got her diploma. But, I stopped myself and told myself, "Why cry? She has accomplished this and she will accomplish many other things, just like you did!" And she will. She may not have this many babies though! :)

Some people released balloons when there child's name was called!

Kelsie and her boyfriend Parker
Kelsie and Daddy
Kelsie and Gigi
All of us-Kody was not into taking pics.....
...nor did he want to be sandwiched in between his sisters! ha!


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