Monday, January 19, 2009

Name that Puppy!

Yep, two posts in one day!

Let me just say that Lola will not be getting the Mother of the Year Award! She is not a good mommy! She was at first, then she decided to stop nursing the puppies. They had started eating some puppy food but still needed her some too! It's one thing to wean them, but she just cut them off cold turkey! Molly stepped right in and let them nurse some! Last week we noticed that Lola was trying to pick the puppies up and drag them around...needless to say we separated her from them. But, she had already done of the puppies was limping around! When we got home from work last Thursday one of the puppies had an injured eye. Turns out, it was the same puppy with the hurt leg. Lola wasn't to blame for the eye problem because she was in the pen. Josh took the puppy to the vet the next morning....he had to have his eye removed and has a broken leg thanks to his mom. So now, poor little thing, he has a stapled shut eye and a cast on his leg. He goes back next week to have the staples removed and a check up on his leg....and to add more to our ever growing VET BILL!!!! SHEESH! We have decided to keep him for ourselves! He is just so sweet and has been piled in our laps all weekend. So this is where you come in! We need a name! I thought since he looks like a pirate with one eye we should name him Jack Sparrow and call him Jack. Josh doesn't like it. You people need to come out of lurking and help us out! We have 70-80 hits per day, I know you are out there!


Allison said...

I vote for Pop-Eye!!!!! or Cyclops. Either one. :O)

Anonymous said...

Mr. Winks .. Or just winks, since it looks like his is winking

Heather said...

My mother-in-law has a dog named Jack & for some reason I just don't like that name for a dog....
He is so cute! I hate that happened to him. My dad/stepmom have a stray dog that was hurt & they decided to take her to the vet & then keep her...she only has 1 eye as well, but she's so sweet!

Brooke said...

That is so sad! Bless his sweet little heart! I have no boy names...sorry!

Hoping for our own Peanut said...

oh my gosh..thats so sad but adorable!! i like jack. :)