Monday, October 13, 2008

One Year Ago Today

I can't believe it's been a year since Carolyn passed away. I still miss her so much. I miss her laugh. I miss her saying her famous phrase, "Ok then." I miss her love for her Chihuahua's, Sassy and Sissy. I miss making fun of her for naming them Sassy and Sissy. I miss hearing her call her "Diddy" on the southern linc. I miss talking about our Josh's. I miss tons of things about her. Today is a sad day.

For those of you who don't know the story, Carolyn was on her way to Wal-Mart with her husband of three weeks, Josh, when they were T-boned by a drunk Mexican. The car flipped several times and landed on it's top. Josh made it out with a few scraps, bumps and bruises and a hurt neck. Carolyn on the other hand passed away at the scene. She had just turned 21 five days earlier and she was an only child.

Carolyn and her husband Josh

Carolyn and her Mom

Carolyn and her "Diddy"

Three weeks after he walked her down that isle, he had to walk down it to see her at the end in a casket. Oh, you are probably wondering what happened to the Mexican. Nothing....absolutley nothing.

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