Thursday, April 30, 2015

Field Trip with Peyton!

Last Thursday I went on a field trip with Peyton to Chattanooga! We left super early that morning and returned super late that night! It was a fun day! He really surprised me because he told me ahead of time he wasn’t going to sit with me on the bus. I have to sit in the front to keep from being sick(still doesn’t work) and he wanted to sit in the back with his friends! WELL, when we got on the bus his “girlfriend” was sitting up front and had saved him a seat!!! He politely turned down his friends and sat with her! OH.MY.IMG_20150423_122154 IMG_20150423_053349 We went to Ruby Falls, ate lunch on the Riverboat, rode the Incline(FREAKY), went to Point Park and the Battles for Chattanooga Museum. I didn’t take a whole lot of pictures because 5th Graders. If you’ve ever had one you know that 30 something of them = WHEW. 20150423_152514_resized

OH. One more thing. When we were in the actual falls area of Ruby Falls, I didn’t stay close long because my hair was getting wet. It’s a large area so the parents kind of let the kids up front. Well, when that part was over and Peyton started walking back towards me he was holding Girlfriends HAND! WHAT? As in, the way the Hubs and I hold hands!!! Her mom was there also and we about died. Right there.

I can’t even.

It was a fun day!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

New Farm Friends!

I think I may have a problem. I love ALL the animals. They are so cute and fun and cuddly. The first step is admitting you have a problem, right?

Our Doberman, Niko, passed away last Friday. He was around 8 or 9 and before he came to live with us probably didn’t have the best life. Their life span is only around 10 years, so we figure it was probably old age.

The kids were out of school that day and Reece was with me at work when I found out. We were both pretty bummed. (She was way more upset) I decided we needed a happy and so off to the pet store we went!

We left with this guy…

Meet Peter!20150424_160221_resized

At first she named him RICK! HA! He’s so cute and soft! He loves to be held and we all are doing our best to hold him all the time!

Side note: when we were in the pet store they signed me up for some type of savings card or something. They got my normal info and then she asked, “what type of animal do you own?” I laughed and started naming them off, “dogs, cat, chickens, ducks, goats and now a bunny!” HA!

I have been looking for a male Pygmy Goat for some time now. About a week ago I found one on Craigslist, but he was 2 hours away! I talked it over with the hubs and we decided that Sunday afternoon would be a perfect road trip day! So, off we went, in the Paw Paw truck! (Yes, I call it that in real life!)20150426_104837_resized(YES, he has a passy. YES, you can judge. NO, I don’t care!)      

Meet Jack!IMG_20150426_170757I wonder what the girls are thinking here?!! Haha!

Hopefully, in the next year or so, we’ll have GOAT BABIES!

Monday, April 27, 2015

Celebrating Brooks!

On Saturday, we celebrated our sweet boy with a Barnyard Birthday Bash! He had the best time and so did we! LOTS of his friends came, I think we ended up with 18 kids there! They were all able to take a boat ride, feed the ducks and fish, pet and feed a cow, pigs, goats, chicks, mice, rabbits, horses, chickens, sheep, a llama, bottle feed baby pigs, ride a pony…I think that’s about it! He had a wonderful time!

Before I get to party pictures, on his actual birthday we took Brooks cupcakes to school for him and his little friends and then out to eat that night! IMG_20150422_202133 IMG_20150422_165936On to party pics! DSC_1732  DSC_1755DSC_0003DSC_1752

He knew EXACTLY how to feed this little piggy! IMG_20150425_163933

 DSC_1775 DSC_0004 DSC_0008 DSC_0045 DSC_0065 

Petting the chicks…DSC_0072 “Ms. Kami, that chick doesn’t go on your head!”DSC_0073 DSC_0080 DSC_0082 DSC_0086 HAHAHA!DSC_0101 DSC_0112 DSC_0115 2015042595145109_resized 2015042595150022_resized 2015042595150502_resized Y’all! THIS CAKE!!! Perfection…inside and out!

DSC_1758 DSC_1759 He loves it when you sing “Happy Birthday” to him!IMG_20150425_173936

DSC_0119 DSC_0121 Help from Daddy!DSC_0126 And then it was present time!DSC_0156 DSC_0145 We had such a great time celebrating our B!DSC_1764

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Happy Birthday Brooks!

Brooks is TWO years old today! Seriously, time flies! He has left the “baby” stage and turned into a full blown 2 year old! And all that goes with it. He is a mess!

He LOVES gummies, cars(he said, “vroom, vroom” in his sleep the other night!), tractors, bubbles, balls, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, running away from us as fast as possible at the ballpark and lots of other little boy things! :)

Here he is this morning…IMG_20150422_072306 And last night at the ballpark climbing the fence!IMG_20150421_185421

Happy Happy Birthday B! We love you SO much!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Here comes the Bride!

My baby sister got hitched on Saturday!!! Eeekkss! It was a beautiful wedding and everything went according to plan, which was fabulous since there was an almost TWO year old in the wedding party! ;)

I wanted to share a few pictures, I’m sure there will be more once the photographer finishes! Reece was the flower girl, Brooks was the ring bearer, I was the matron of honor and Griffin and Peyton were escorts!


IMG_20150417_160636  RIGHT before walking down the isle!IMG_20150418_201417   A few from the photographer! 11174238_10153534125835166_6036829666467957809_o 11151041_10153534126250166_6605127448502646616_n Y’ALL!!!! I don’t have words. He was the sweetest little man. He walked down the isle holding my hand with a mouth full of gummy bears. I could eat his face!11156381_10153534126380166_7954884670294013956_n 11159950_10153534124030166_6683147457768741640_n 11169679_10153534123995166_5930660345861606508_o Little Bro officiated! He did fantastic!IMG_20150418_195755The ending of a long day! Another one in the books for me and Hubby! Yes, I changed shoes! :)20150418_191009_resized