Thursday, February 5, 2015

Christmas Card Pictures!

Oh my! I just realized that I never posted the pictures from our Christmas Card photo shoot!

For shame, for shame!

Peyton is all about looking snazzy for the girls… so the tie was right up his ally. DSC_0021Griffin thinks he is a grown up!DSC_0016 Bow tie..I DIE.DSC_0034 Sassy! If I could sum her up in one word, that’d be it!DSC_0185 This is one of my favorite’s ever in the history of EVER!DSC_0093 DSC_0052  DSC_0123 DSC_0128  He likes me…just a tad…DSC_0199DSC_0203 And because NONE of our family photo shoots are complete without a kissing shot…DSC_0111

Yes, that’s mistletoe! ;)

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