We had Griffin’s birthday party this weekend. Once again, he requested that we have it at our local skating rink. Ugh. Not my cup of tea but not my birthday either! This is the third party he has had there if you’re counting!
First, let’s back up to where I left off. We were headed to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner on his actual birthday. Over the last few MONTHS Josh and I made the decision to get Griffin a cell phone for his birthday. Yes, I said MONTHS. This was not something we took lightly AT ALL. I always have told all of the kids that they wouldn’t get a cell phone until they were 16. And if there’s one thing I have learned as a mother it is you never say what you aren’t going to do! Because that’s EXACTLY what you will end up doing and you will be eating those words. Happens every time! In fact, it also happened about where we would have the party…I said “we are NOT having it at Super Skate again!!” Well, you see how that turned out!
I really have been having anxiety about getting him a phone. But he is a really good kid. In fact, he made all A’s on his report card…and he has all advanced classes! Plus, since starting middle school, there have been SO MANY times where I have needed to remind him of something or tell him to ride the bus home, etc. and have not been able to do that. And just keeping up with him in general.
I went to the cell phone store and got his phone the week before his birthday. The last four digits of his number are the last four digits that my grandparents’ phone number was! They are no longer with us but I immediately felt better about getting the phone. It was like they were saying, “It’s fine! It’s going to be ok!!” I mean come on, out of all the millions of numbers that it could have been it was those four! I took a picture of the phone and sent it to the hubs via text message so that he could decide if I was picking a good phone. I deleted the text BUT I didn’t delete the image from my phone. Fast forward a few days and Griffin was texting a friend from my phone and sent the picture and said “I think I’m getting a phone!!”
When I told the Hubby of my stupidity, he said he would take care of it. SO, he went and bought a little toy phone. We wrapped it up and gave it to Griffin while we were at the Cheesecake Factory. YES WE DID. Yes we are those parents! Teach him a lesson! haha! He opened it up and was completely disappointed!
Earlier in the day I wrapped the real phone and strategically hid it in my car. After dinner, when we all got buckled in to drive home, we started calling the phone! It didn’t take Griffin long to realize what was going on and he was SO EXCITED!
And, don’t you worry your pretty little heads, we have an app called Watchdog on it. Basically he doesn’t do anything on the phone that I don’t get notification of. Phone calls, texts, app downloads, friend requests…everything! In this day and time, you have to be SO careful! He also had to sign a contract with Josh and me!
Back to the PAR-TAY!
Basically I sucked at the picture taking because I left my good camera at the office and didn’t have time to run by and get it. So, cell phone pics it is. Boo.

Y’all see this? That’s a bunch of girls crowded around my son. Back off!

He had a great time! I can NOT believe my baby is TWELVE!!!