Monday, October 6, 2014

Pumpkin Patch and Tootsies!

A few weeks ago I noticed that Reece’s toes looked different. After looking closer I realized that her big toes – on both feet – are turning in towards the other toes. I took her to her pediatrician just to see what was going on because one of them is starting to overlap the toe next to it. Her doctor took one look and sent us to a pediatric orthopedic surgeon in Birmingham. We don’t have any pediatric ortho’s in Tuscaloosa. We were actually sent to our doctor’s daughter’s doctor so I knew we would have a good one! Her appointment was on Friday so Josh and I took her. We saw a nurse practitioner, had x-rays and then saw the doctor. This was one of the best doctor’s I have EVER come in contact with! She was GREAT with Reece! We got a great report…no surgery for now! As long as the toes aren’t bothering her we aren’t going to worry about it! So we celebrated at the Cheesecake Factory!IMG_20141003_12041320141003_121426_resized

Red Velvet Cheesecake…Heaven on Earth!

On Saturday, we were off to the pumpkin patch with my sister and her family! We finally have a great pumpkin patch in our area! We went to Griffin Farm’s…no the name has nothing to do with our Griffin! We were there for about three hours and had the best time!  IMG_20141004_131458There was a corn maze…20141004_095153_resized

   A giant slide made from a culvert that B and I FLEW out of more than once…IMG_20141004_154949   Corn cribs…

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A petting zoo…yes right up my ally!20141004_105411_resizedDSC_1324

Our three boys enjoying a giant pile of hay!20141004_111819_resized Face painting…20141004_121407_resizedBeing cute…20141004_121202_resizedAnd, of course, a hay ride to get our pumpkins!DSC_1330 DSC_1331

Excuse my hair…it was super windy!DSC_1333 DSC_1329 DSC_1344 DSC_1346 DSC_1347We stopped by a neighborhood that has a couple of streets named after two of my favorite boys… IMG_20141004_124234

Griffin Drive and Peyton Lane – YES, they really were named after them!

It was an awesome, fun weekend with some of my favorite people!

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