Well, it happened again! Two kids with school field trips on the same day. BOO. Reece went to the zoo a few weeks ago and Griffin’s class went to Chattanooga! I went with Griffin, it was his last elementary field trip and I also had just gone with Reece on another small field trip. Her Gigi AND Papa went with her! They had a wet, rainy, cold miserable day but they made the most of it!
I was SO excited to spend the day with just Griffin! We really had a fun time together!
We started out at Ruby Falls! Such a fun place..if you’ve never been you should go!
Then we went on a riverboat cruise for lunch!
Next we went to a civil war museum and then a park where you can see for MILES!
It was a very long but fun day!
Then, this week I went with Peyton’s class to Montgomery! Again, super excited to spend the day with just Peyton! We went to Old Alabama Town, where we learned how things were in the old days! Then we went on a riverboat cruise for lunch---why these field trips do these things is beyond me! Too many kids that can fall off the boat! Next, we went and toured our State Capital and then we ended at the Civil Rights Museum. Long, fun day! Poor Peyton had a baseball game as soon as we got back to town! He is still tired! Bless.Sweet friends. Emily is such a sweet girl, she has been so good to Reece since she started kindergarten. She was Reece’s first friend at school, she really just took her under her wing. I am so thankful for that. She even hung with her back in the fall at football games. Sweet kid!
TWO more weeks of school! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!
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