We celebrated Brooks a few weekends ago with a Dr. Seuss themed birthday bash!
Yep, there’s a fish in there! :) I wish you could see the little note better! You should be able to click this picture and make it bigger!
Brooks LOVES LOVES LOVES him some Cason! Can’t wait until C gets a little bit bigger so they can play!
He LOVES for you to sing the birthday song to him! In fact, we’re still singing it because it makes his day!
Mmmmm CAKE!
Those lashes!
What you don’t see here is that he wanted to grab my FACE and kiss me!
His poor baby cheeks were red as fire because he had a fever. Mean ear infections.
He had a fun day!
And just for my records..here’s his invite.
I ordered his invite off of etsy. That’s pretty much my go-to for invitations right now!
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