Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Spring Break!

We had a wonderful Spring Break! SO ready for summer! We spent some time at the beach which is always fabulous!

IMG_20140323_175245 We did a little fishing on the cold days!IMG_20140324_094223 We said, “I do!” AGAIN!IMG_20140322_19004920140322_185601Just kidding!

Me and my sweet girl! So thankful for my sidekick!IMG_20140323_132136 OMGAH! He’s SO SWEET!20140323_155426IMG_20140324_163745 B cut his first tooth while we were there and LOVES french fries!IMG_20140325_122048 And also eating sand!IMG_20140324_210557 Griffin ate crickets.IMG_20140324_181612 Bacon and cheese flavored!IMG_20140324_180753  Peyton did also!20140324_181452 IMG_20140322_095702I LOVE this man! The end!20140324_181531

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