Monday, January 27, 2014

Peyton’s Paintball Party!

Paintball party = awesome!

We had Peyton’s birthday party over the weekend at Paintball is Good! Peyton and Griffin are still talking about it! I’m counting it a success! They had tons of fun playing and it was fun to watch! Even the kids that were too small to play had a blast playing and bursting extra paintballs!

Safety Meeting…DSC_0443First hit…DSC_0451 Ummm…seriously? LOVE these two!DSC_0448 I don’t have any pictures to put on here of them actually playing. You wouldn’t be able to see very well. The kids broke off into two teams and battled each other.  They had one field that had a big castle with several forts around it, they had another field with these blow up things to hide behind, they had another field that had a revene…put it this way, it was 40 acres of paintball fun! We will be back!DSC_0460Sweet little niece! She loves cake! DSC_0465 Typical!DSC_0481

Of course we forgot to get a picture with the birthday boy so we had to settle for a car pic! Please note my passed out little baby AND the poop baggy in between us! haha!20140125_165448  That, my friends, is the 27th birthday party I have thrown for my children! On to 28…

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