Thursday, January 30, 2014

Snow Fun!

We have had a fun couple of days playing in the snow! We rarely EVER get any snow…especially not enough to play in! And it’s usually in and out very fast. This time, it’s lasted a few days! If you know me you know I can not STAND cold weather. I don’t like snow, I’m a summer, warm girl FOR SURE! But, who wouldn’t have fun playing with their babies in the snow?! I did!

It just so happened to fall on Josh’s off days this time! SO YAY for THAT!IMG_20140128_124016 20140128_115247 Brooks’ first snow!! He thought it was fun! We only had him out there for about 2 minutes.20140128_123541 20140128_123602 20140128_123616 20140128_153839It was kind of mass chaos around here because the weather prediction was a little off. We were only supposed to get a dusting and then things quickly changed and people were left scrambling to get home! So thankful that we closed our office when we did and we were able to all make it home safely! Us southerners don’t know how to drive in this type of weather since we never have it!

I should note that Griffin is missing from these pictures because I left my camera at the office and my phone sometimes randomly deletes pictures. Boo.

Bring on the flip flop weather!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Peyton’s Paintball Party!

Paintball party = awesome!

We had Peyton’s birthday party over the weekend at Paintball is Good! Peyton and Griffin are still talking about it! I’m counting it a success! They had tons of fun playing and it was fun to watch! Even the kids that were too small to play had a blast playing and bursting extra paintballs!

Safety Meeting…DSC_0443First hit…DSC_0451 Ummm…seriously? LOVE these two!DSC_0448 I don’t have any pictures to put on here of them actually playing. You wouldn’t be able to see very well. The kids broke off into two teams and battled each other.  They had one field that had a big castle with several forts around it, they had another field with these blow up things to hide behind, they had another field that had a revene…put it this way, it was 40 acres of paintball fun! We will be back!DSC_0460Sweet little niece! She loves cake! DSC_0465 Typical!DSC_0481

Of course we forgot to get a picture with the birthday boy so we had to settle for a car pic! Please note my passed out little baby AND the poop baggy in between us! haha!20140125_165448  That, my friends, is the 27th birthday party I have thrown for my children! On to 28…

Friday, January 24, 2014

Brooks – 9 Months!

Sweet little dude, you are 9 MONTHS OLD! Here’s a little of what you’ve been up to!DSC_0425

-You seriously give the BEST sugar on the planet! And only certain people get it!

-You can crawl when you want to! You mostly still just roll where ever you want to go! I have seen you army crawl a few times!

-You can go from tummy to sitting up by yourself. It’s pretty funny, you do a back up crawl and push yourself up!DSC_0414

-You take baths in the big bathtub now! No more baby tub.

-You are still in a size 3 diaper. DSC_0412

-You wear mostly size 9-12 month clothes.DSC_0419

-You are still eating great! Still no teeth which is great for me! I’ve started giving you some table food, my chicken-n-dumplings are your FAV so far! You love puffs and cheerio’s and have mastered using your first finger and thumb to pick them up!DSC_0415

-We went to your 9 month check up today. You weigh 19 pounds 11 ounces and are 28 inches tall.IMG_20140124_110709

Oh my word, your lips!

-You figured out how much fun it is to destroy the paper at the doctor’s office!    20140124_111144Cutest belly EVER!

Ok, mommy, photo shoot’s over! Time to eat the sticker!DSC_0434

You had a nasty cold this week, hence the snot in all of your pictures! haha! Bless.

LOVE you so much B!


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Happy Birthday Peyton!

Peyton is TEN years old today! I don’t even know how this happened! Time flies when your kids are young, no joke! He is getting SO big! He’s only about a 1/2 inch shorter than me…we definitely see eye to eye! He’s practically grown!

His party is not until Saturday but it’s going to be SUPER FUN! Boys + Paintball = right up their alley! Can’t wait!

Happy Happy Birthday PTC!!!! We love you!!!JSP_6052-00

Friday, January 17, 2014


Being a parent is TOUGH! Sometimes I think to myself,”Oh Lord, I hope I’m not screwing them up!” haha! Sometimes I get a swift kick in the rear that tells me that we ARE doing something right! One of those moments came last week when Josh and I got a facebook message from Peyton’s teacher and she said, “What does it say about your parenting skills when all three of your babies receive student of the month in the same month?? congrats!!!”

Well apparently we’re fabulous! ;)

Once every 9 weeks our school has Leadership Night. The kids are all rewarded for all of their hard work. Several awards are handed out for different things(honor roll, etc.), it’s really an awesome way to encourage the children. We had Leadership Night this past Monday and our babies racked up! So proud of them and proud to know that…guess what? I don’t suck as a Mom after all! ;)DSC_0394 Griffin never keeps his ribbons on. Guess he’s too cool for that!

And this little guy…he never made a peep the entire night! Best baby!DSC_0360

Friday, January 10, 2014


Well, yes we are 10 days into the new year and I am just now getting around to posting Christmas pictures! I’m a busy lady!

Christmas was fun this year, as it always is. It seemed to pass by very quickly this year. Too quick for me really!

We started out Christmas this year at Josh’s parents the weekend before Christmas!DSC_0082 DSC_0088 You mean that’s for me? LOVE this picture!DSC_0090 DSC_0095 DSC_0099 Aunt April for the win!DSC_0114 Christmas eve it was off to Big Mama’s and then Maw Maw’s! (Put B in is PJ’s because I knew he would be sleeping when we got home!)DSC_0209 DSC_0228 Christmas morning! Reece helping Brooks check out his loot from Santa!DSC_0243 I love these babies so much! Seriously, how’d I get so blessed?DSC_0244 DSC_0262DSC_0285 Half of my family came over Christmas morning…DSC_0296 Cason slept through it! DSC_0293 Then Christmas night we went to Papa and Gigi’s!DSC_0320  DSC_0336 Whew! Such a whirlwind but fun time!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Off to School

Today my sweet little blue eyed love bug started school. Boo. This has been the plan since before he was born, HOWEVER, I never imagined he would be SUCH a good EASY baby or we wouldn’t be starting yet. I say that but also he is starting to crawl and be more mobile so really it’s not fair to him for him to be at work with me. I can’t pay him the attention he needs and get my work done. He’s only been there an hour today and I miss him like CRAZY. I know he’s in good hands. He’s at the same school the other three went to. The teachers have been anxiously and patiently waiting on him! I know he will be LOVED on like crazy!

He is still nursing and I am pretty darned determined to keep it up until he turns a year old so he’s only going a few hours a day right now. I realize that I am VERY blessed for him to be able to come to work with me at all! And he’s been at work with me almost 9 months now!

Here he is this morning!DSC_0343 DSC_0341 DSC_0345 DSC_0346 Man, I love that little stinker!