Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Labor Day Weekend!

We had a fun weekend! Friday we went to watch my little brother play football! I LOVE high school football, almost as much as college! Noah learned to say “Go Bears!”.IMG_20120831_221252Saturday we hung out playing with the chickens waiting for the big game! Oh, and this is when we discovered a stray chicken hanging out around our coop!! Griffin the chicken whisperer caught it and put it inside the coop with our other chickens. IMG_20120901_153219I know you can’t see that very well but it’s the best I could get! She likes to run. All.the.time! run run run run I started calling her roadrunner because she is always in a full blown sprint!  Later that day we went to check on her and the other chickens were picking on her. I decided to let her out of the coop because I was afraid they were going to kill her. But, she’s still hanging around in our yard! I figured between the dogs chasing her and the chickens being mean she would leave. But, no.

Also, the rooster flogged Reece on Sunday. (didn’t hurt her, just scared the crap out of both of us!)So he’ll be someone’s winner winner chicken dinner very soon! I am very shocked that I didn’t kill him as many times as I kicked him.

Ok, so back on track here. We beat the holy crap out of Michigan! Roll Tide! I’m ready for #15!

Since the boys had to go to school yesterday, Reece and I had a girls day! We shopped and shopped, then picked up the boys from school and shopped some more! It’s been a LONG time since I have shopped that much in one day! HA! I hated the boys had to go to school but I love one on one time with my girl! :)IMG_20120903_100029

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