Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

We had such a great weekend!! Friday night this little guy spent the night..20120525_183639He was determined that I was going to let him ride down the driveway like the big boys! Um no! The kids had SO much fun. They played and played and played! 20120525_185039

On Saturday, well I don’t remember what we did on Saturday. I think we were lazy!

On Sunday, we had lunch at McDonald’s with Big Mama. I HATE McDonald’s! She is definitely the ONLY person, including my children, that can get me to eat there! HA! eww. 20120527_124223 Ignore the fact that I look stupid…why is my child looking so pimp???? hellurr20120527_124143 After that we went by my mom’s for a little swim where I discovered this…20120527_140051Oh emmm geee. Yum.

Then on Memorial Day we went to Josh’s brother’s house for some pool time and yummy food! And baby hogging for me! DSC_0354

DSC_0364 The boys are such little fish! I’m just waiting on Reece to take off in the pool any day now.

Sweet girls just chillaxin…DSC_0367

Idiot me didn’t get a picture of the baby! Sheesh. Probably because I was too busy holding her! But, trust me, she is super duper cute and oh so squishy! She was all smiling and cooing! ahhhhh!!!!!

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