Holy cow, y’all! I’m the big 3-0!!!!!!!
My birthday was Sunday. We had a fun day. Didn’t do a whole lot of anything! Which is exactly what I wanted to do!
We had an air show here this weekend so on Saturday I took the kids to see the Blue Angels! Hubby had to work traffic so we stalked down his traffic post and watched from there! :)
(side note-I’m having the hardest time finding shorts for Reece this year! These are WAY too short, in my opinion. And yes I’m picky about what they look like too, so that makes it harder!)
They were all three way more interested in helping Daddy work the traffic light than seeing the jets!
I won’t bore you with all the pictures of the planes! It doesn’t do them justice anyway! If you ever have the opportunity to see the Blue Angels in person you should go!!! They are amazing!
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