Friday, March 23, 2012

Baby Girls and (more)Baby Chicks!

My sweet little niece was born this morning! She is beautiful! I went by at lunch to check on momma and baby. I didn’t get any pictures (YET!) because the baby was a little busy! But don’t you worry your pretty little heads, there will be LOTS of pictures of baby Emmalynn on here VERY soon! She has sweet fat cheeks and a head FULL of dark hair!
On Josh’s side of the family, the granddaughters now out number the grandsons!! :) heehee!
Maybe we will even it out soon. Reece now wants a brother! :) haha. I still want another girl. kinda.
Today is also Josh’s younger brother’s birthday! Us sisters like to give the brothers-in-law fabulous birthday presents because Griffin was born on Josh’s other brothers birthday! The one who had the baby today! Got all that? Good.
Soooo y’all know how hard I was trying to find WHITE Silkie Chickens. Well, I found a lady on craigslist that hatched 28 on Tuesday. Only thing was she lives two hours away! Lucky for me my lover love was going to be about an hour away from the lady yesterday so he picked up SIX for me!
And had he not been in the area he would have gone anyway. My man is fabulous.
They are SO SO SO SO very tiny. Itsy Bitsy! Less than half of the size of the other chicks we had!! I’d say about half the size of the palm of your hand. They will only weigh 1.5 – 3 pounds when fully grown!
Without further ado, meet Marshmellow, Sugar, Snowball, Coco(Thanks Tori!), Cotton and Casper!DSC_0427
Please ignore the “fresh outta the tub and half naked” look. That’s just how he rolls!


Cherry Berry said...

I want some silkies now! Sooo cute! And the chicken coop is pretty awesome. My MIL and her husband have chickens and I might just have to get me a silkie to add to their chickens.

April said...

We're LOVING them!!! So cute and they are GREAT with the kids. They are much more calm than the other chickens we have. They kind of have a more loving personality! Little cuddle bugs!