Monday, February 27, 2012

The (S)Coop!

We had a busy weekend! You want the scoop on the coop?



The Grand Opening at the gym went really well! We had a great turnout!

OH and I did Zumba for the first time and can I just say that it will KICK YOUR TAIL?!?!!? Wowza.

Josh and his Dad worked on the chicken coop all day Saturday and most of the day Sunday. First, they got all the posts set and then went from there. We’ve They’ve still got a long way to go, but it’s going to be fabulous!


 20120225_150211All of the inside has to be dug out so that we can put wire down under the dirt…to keep predators out!20120225_164901 20120225_164716  20120226_155535This is for the people who know us in real you can see where it is in proportion to the house!20120226_155815They definitely were not short any help..Niko LOVES Josh!20120225_15175320120225_164509 20120225_164457    20120225_15022820120225_164406

This will be the back of the coop..easy access to eggs!20120226_155605   As it stands right now! They got the floor done in the is supposed to rain this week so that’s why they put the tarp on!20120226_155512 Meanwhile, I’ve found a local man who has silkies! So I’m busy trying to become his BFF because he doesn’t like to share them! :) I also found a local person who has laying hens for sale, so I’m on that too!

It’s all coming together! Now, who’s gonna babysit when we take beach trips?! haha!

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