I just realized that I haven’t posted any more pictures from Josh’s brother’s wedding! In my defense I have only had access for a couple of weeks because the photographer had a sweet baby girl not too long after the wedding! These are ALL from the photographer..Jennifer McAteer! Here is her website http://jennifermcateerphotography.com/ And you should know that I did get permission from her first!
Do you know how hard it is to get FOUR kids to cooperate? Groom and his boys
Needs no explanation!
Bride and her girls
Peyton and E
Griffin and Reece
Groom looking a lil nervous
Here comes the Bride!
I do I do I do!
Kissy Kiss!
Yay they’re married!
Fam Jam
Who knows??
I heart this pic of us! AND I triple heart that my niece has her tongue hanging out! bhahaha!
Brotherly advice. LOTS of brotherly advice from Officer Hubs..
Janna and her girls. Pretty sure they can make her do anything!
For real!
And yes, that would be my child doing flips on the dance floor! Griffin..
I heart Grandpas!
And may this go down in history as the sweetest picture EVER!
And I’ll leave you with the four amigos!
I really hope the wedding this weekend goes as well as this one did! Lucky for us we live only about a mile from where the wedding will take place!
OH did I mention that the dress lady ordered me a SIZE 14!! bridesmaid dress??? Seriously people. My pants I wear are a size 4. I wear medium shirts. So they had major altering to do and there are two big wads of fabric sewn together under my arms! Yipee!
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