Ahhh. So glad these weddings are behind us! Now I can get to birthday party planning for Griffin and my bff’s baby shower that I’m hosting in October! :)
The wedding was beautiful. It was outside and the weather was perfect! The bride and groom didn’t see each other before the wedding and I will NEVER EVER forget the look on his face when he saw her come down the aisle.
Griffin and Peyton did perfect in the wedding..Reece on the other hand cried when it was time for her to come down the aisle. Kind of caught me off guard since she just did this a few months ago and didn’t have any problem with it! I guess I didn’t worry enough this time around! ha. Plus I thought it would be easier this time since I was in the wedding too. Oh well. She eventually made it down to me. And my sweet little nephew RAN down the aisle and screamed “MOMMY!” It was too funny!
The first few pictures are from the rehearsal, it was casual, hence my jeans!
Boys weren’t interested in taking pics with Momma, they were too busy playing in the hay!
So the wedding day comes and the bridesmaids had to be there at 10am. The wedding wasn’t until 5 but we had to be ready for pictures by 1:00. Needless to say it was a LONG day! A few things decided not to go right…like the idiots that made the veil put it together backwards…so Rissie had to fix it… That was SO MUCH FUN!
She may kill me for this…This chick was really ticking me off. Not sure why she was even there but every time something happened….like the thing that was holding the flowers during the ceremony fell as the florist was decorating it…she would come tell Katie…like it didn’t matter so SHUT UP! ha
Sweet hubs! You can kinda see the WADS of fabric under my arm…
Lots more pictures to come!
ha i love this post/ but mostly the pic you took in the mirror! HA!
Ha! I'm slick like that! bhahahahaha I wonder if I should have said anything in the post about her hitting the kid???
hahah yes you should have! she deserves to be embarrassed!
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