Monday, September 26, 2011

Cracker Jack

After Molly died I kind of decided without talking to Josh(because I figured I knew what his answer would be) that we wouldn’t get another dog. We still have three, Daisy and Chippie inside and Niko outside. And three dogs is enough. Plus it hurts so bad when they go to doggy heaven!

Well the day I kind of told myself that we were sitting at my brother’s football game and I noticed Josh playing on his phone. I looked over and he was browsing the Pet Finder App!


So we’ve kind of had our eyes out for a puppy for the last week or so. He wanted a puppy and I wasn’t so sure about that. That puppy stage, while it’s cute and all, is not very fun. You know, with all the whining and tearing crap up! ha! Plus we had to find something that would get along with Niko. He’s easy to get along with but he is HUGE. Several times since we’ve moved I have looked outside and mistaken him for a deer.

Yesterday my sister, Kelsie, called. She and her boyfriend Parker(or Paka if you ask Reece!) were leaving his grandparents’ farm and saw a puppy just laying in the middle of a dirt road. They stopped and fed him a Slim Jim(almost named him that!) and some snack cakes..he was starving! She sent us a picture and of course I was smitten! So, they brought him to us!

Meet Cracker Jack!crakerjack Sorry for the blurry cell phone pic! I’ll get some with my good camera soon..

He’s an Australian Shepard and looks to be about 3 months old or so. I mean WHO could throw him out???? He is VERY lovable and sweet! People are crazy!

Niko LOVES him! He was getting kind of depressed so now he has a playmate! :)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Alabama Fabulous

I just asked my hubby to marry me! Of course there are many reasons to marry him all over again but it was brought on by Scot Wedgeworth! about-bio-main image

Oh. My. Word people!

I first heard of him through Officer Hubby! Yep. It’s a funny little story that I shouldn’t post on here because it involves hubby’s job…but he’ll tell you if you ask! Let’s just say that hubs has been in contact with him a few times. Nothing major, so don’t go thinking Scot is a bad person. But Scot did give hubs a business card and tell him about his upcoming reality show on the Food Network called Alabama Fabulous.

So I went to his website…here…and I saw pictures on facebook here of a wedding he did recently. And now I’m in love with his work.

The end!

So if you are getting hitched, I think you should call him! I can’t wait for the show to air in October!

Oh and of course he has a blog!

Friday, September 16, 2011

So I had dinner with the Governor(s)!

Last night was the Lincoln Reagan Dinner at The Zone in Bryant-Denny Stadium! I generally don’t get into political mumbo gumbo but it was fun. Our Governor, Dr. Robert Bentley, was honored and the guest speaker was Governor Haley Barbour of Mississippi. I could have stuck him in my pocket and brought him home! Super sweet Paw Paw! I didn’t take my camera but I did have my picture taken with both governors and as soon as I get my hands on it I will post!

I went into the night SUPER bummed because my sweet chocolate lab, Molly, passed away sometime yesterday. It really was out of nowhere. She was acting different earlier in the week but she wasn’t acting sick..I really just thought she was pregnant, she had a black lab boyfriend that lives across the street! :) But I guess that wasn’t it. She was almost 10 years old. The best dog ever, really. Labs are SO great with kids. She let Griffin, Peyton and Reece do whatever they wanted to her. She loved them so much. She was also a really loyal dog. If we were outside, she was right by our side. Before we got a riding lawn mower she would cut grass with Josh, taking every step he did.

We’re going to miss her!Picture 002 The only pic I can find at the moment…look how little PeyPey was!!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Love :)

I love my kids SO dang much. photo That is what I woke up to yesterday morning!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Katie and Ben’s Wedding!

Ahhh. So glad these weddings are behind us! Now I can get to birthday party planning for Griffin and my bff’s baby shower that I’m hosting in October! :)

The wedding was beautiful. It was outside and the weather was perfect! The bride and groom didn’t see each other before the wedding and I will NEVER EVER forget the look on his face when he saw her come down the aisle.

Griffin and Peyton did perfect in the wedding..Reece on the other hand cried when it was time for her to come down the aisle. Kind of caught me off guard since she just did this a few months ago and didn’t have any problem with it! I guess I didn’t worry enough this time around! ha. Plus I thought it would be easier this time since I was in the wedding too. Oh well. She eventually made it down to me. And my sweet little nephew RAN down the aisle and screamed “MOMMY!” It was too funny!

The first few pictures are from the rehearsal, it was casual, hence my jeans!DSC_0792 DSC_0796Boys weren’t interested in taking pics with Momma, they were too busy playing in the hay!

So the wedding day comes and the bridesmaids had to be there at 10am. The wedding wasn’t until 5 but we had to be ready for pictures by 1:00. Needless to say it was a LONG day! A few things decided not to go right…like the idiots that made the veil put it together backwards…so Rissie had to fix it…DSC_0809 That was SO MUCH FUN!

She may kill me for this…DSC_0813This chick was really ticking me off. Not sure why she was even there but every time something happened….like the thing that was holding the flowers during the ceremony fell as the florist was decorating it…she would come tell Katie…like it didn’t matter so SHUT UP! haDSC_0814


Sweet hubs! You can kinda see the WADS of fabric under my arm…DSC_0827




I LOVE my sweet boys!293646_2194908363747_1578351115_2134308_834172781_n

Texas MawMaw! 298709_2194923844134_1578351115_2134345_339597146_n

Lots more pictures to come!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Wedding Pics!

I just realized that I haven’t posted any more pictures from Josh’s brother’s wedding! In my defense I have only had access for a couple of weeks because the photographer had a sweet baby girl not too long after the wedding! These are ALL from the photographer..Jennifer McAteer! Here is her website And you should know that I did get permission from her first!

Do you know how hard it is to get FOUR kids to cooperate?IMG2893-M Groom and his boysIMG3192-M Needs no explanation!wedding 2Bride and her girlsIMG3205-M MY GIRL! :)IMG3256-M Peyton and E IMG3355-M Griffin and ReeceIMG3366-M Groom looking a lil nervousIMG3367-M Here comes the Bride!IMG3376-M IMG3392-M I do I do I do!IMG3401-M Kissy Kiss!IMG3403-M Yay they’re married!IMG3428-M Fam JamIMG3449-M IMG3493-M Who knows??IMG3811-M Sisters!IMG3849-M I heart this pic of us! AND I triple heart that my niece has her tongue hanging out! bhahaha!IMG3893-M Brotherly advice. LOTS of brotherly advice from Officer Hubs..IMG4208-M Janna and her girls. Pretty sure they can make her do anything!IMG4274-M IMG4276-M For real!IMG4281-M And yes, that would be my child doing flips on the dance floor! Griffin..IMG4325-M IMG4326-M IMG4437-M I heart Grandpas!IMG4508-M And may this go down in history as the sweetest picture EVER!IMG4661-M IMG4723-M And I’ll leave you with the four amigos! wedding 1 I really hope the wedding this weekend goes as well as this one did! Lucky for us we live only about a mile from where the wedding will take place!

OH did I mention that the dress lady ordered me a SIZE 14!! bridesmaid dress??? Seriously people. My pants I wear are a size 4. I wear medium shirts. So they had major altering to do and there are two big wads of fabric sewn together under my arms! Yipee!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Reece Said…

I feel like I’ve been blogging a lot about Reece lately..I guess she’s just doing more silly things at her age right now.

She’s been on us like white on rice for a baby sister. We put her off using the excuse that we couldn’t get one until we moved. Now that we’ve moved she’s like “Helllllurrrrrrrrrrrrr, baby sister PULLLLLEASE.”

Until last week.

At which point we were driving down the road-just me and her-and she ever so politely told me that she wants a baby sister AND a baby brother AT. THE. SAME. TIME.

What the what??????????????

And so I said to her that God usually only gives us one at a time and so that was pretty much not gonna happen.

And without ANY hesitation she said to me…

“Oh Mommy! You just gotta eat A LOT so you have two babies in your tummy at one time!”

For reals. Now what?

Friday, September 2, 2011