Monday, March 21, 2011

Pure Sunshine!

We had a relaxing, fun time at the beach! We did a little house talking on the way down but after that neither one of us mentioned it until we were on our way home! Made my brain feel better! ha! I was almost to the point of just choosing a house as long as it had five bedrooms and a toilet. I kid, but I was SICK of it!

Other than the kids watching movies we(me and Josh) didn’t watch TV or even take a computer with us! That means no Twitter, Facebook or blogs for four days! It was NICE! I am so out of the loop but I don’t even care! ha!

We just did a whole lot of playing on the beach and a whole lot of eating! Y’all know I got me some Cuban Nachos! Twice!

The first day we were on the beach we went to one of the busier areas. The water was crystal clear and knee deep pretty far out. The boys were out playing in the water and there were a few teenage boys out there too. We were just sitting there watching G and P when we saw one of the teenagers tell G and P to go up on the beach. Griffin and Peyton ran up to us and told us that there was a shark in the water! Keep in mind this is mid-day, not a typical time for a shark to be eating. Everyone jumped up to try to see it but it was gone. After about an hour we decided, along with the 500 other people on the beach, that the water was safe again and we let the boys go back in the water. A few minutes later Griffin came running up to me and said, “MOM I JUST SAW A HAMERHEAD SHARK IN THE WATER!” Well, there was a log out there at the time and Josh has super duper eye sight and was watching the boys like a hawk and said that it was just the log… I wanted Griffin to not be afraid and so I said to him, “it’s ok, there are no hammerhead’s in this water.”

Ha ha ha hahaha.

Oh about 20 minutes later Peyton made a girl friend(girl friend NOT girlfriend!) and was swimming with her. All of a sudden Josh jumped up out of his chair like a bottle rocket and yelled for them to get out of the water…about 10 feet away from Peyton, swimming TOWARDS him was a hammerhead shark.


It was only about three feet long so it surely wasn’t going to try and have him for lunch! It was obvious it was very young.

A few minutes after that the little fellow swam up on the beach! I guess it was just lost?!?! I don’t know. It made for a very exciting day though!

But it freaked a momma out.

The remaining time we were there we went back to our secret spot! We love it there because there aren’t many people there at all!

But this spot did not disappoint when it came to sea life! We had action there too! There were several really big jellyfish-basketball size, tons of fish, Griffin caught a cute little fish with his bare hands AND he caught a star fish! Hubs also caught a little baby crab. Oh and we ALWAYS see dolphins at this spot and they are my FAV! G studied the oceans and sea life earlier in the year at school so he knows everything about everything! :)

So here are the pics because I’m sure that’s what you came here for in the first place!

DSC_2545 DSC_2544DSC_2475 DSC_2476 DSC_2478 DSC_2481

I swear on a Mt. Dew that he DOES eat!DSC_2495 DSC_2500 DSC_2501 DSC_2513 DSC_2514 DSC_2516 DSC_2518 DSC_2519 DSC_2520

I LOVE this man! Do y’all here me?!?!?! DSC_2525

Uh caught! DSC_2527This picture really cracks me up… DSC_2531

…because this is how we normally are! DSC_2532 DSC_2533

I could have sat here for days! DSC_2537 DSC_2538 DSC_2539 DSC_2540It may sound cliché, but I fall more and more in love with my little family anytime we get out of town for a few days!


Hoping for our own Peanut said...

Oh, that vacation looks heavenly. And that picutre of you guys? Youre all gorgeous. You need to bring baby #4 into the world asap.

April said...

Thank you! It was so much fun! Hopefully not too much longer on the baby! :)