Friday, May 28, 2010

Little League Champs! :)

We are the Champions, my friends!DSC_0265

And we’ll keep on fighting til the end!DSC_0270

We are the Champions!DSC_0279

We are the Champions!


No time for losersDSC_0282

‘Cause we are the Champions,


Of the League!!!

Wow, what a game! Our boys started out with a lot of pep in their step and dominated thanks to a parent's genius idea to give them Mt.Dew before the game! ha ha! Whatever works! About half way through the game it started to wear off and the other team started catching up! The Jays reeeeeally wanted to beat us. I’m happy to report that it didn’t work out for them. It was definitely a nail bitter in the end though because the other team got the last bat and could have beat us had we not held it together!


Baron’s Dugout…DSC_0135

1,2,3 BARONS!DSC_0152Praying…DSC_0157

“HEY! Y’all are batting out of order!!!!”DSC_0162DSC_0164DSC_0192Upside down!DSC_0208Give me a kiss, from that Elvis lip…!DSC_0214We won!DSC_0235Sweet Pey!DSC_0217Cheezin’ after the game!DSC_0247

I have more baseball pics to share from throughout the season, hope to get them on here soon! Now that baseball is over, I have time for other things like BLOGGING! :)


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