Tuesday, July 14, 2009


At our house we have a pretty strict nightly routine. We have to or there would just be mass chaos! Most of the time things run smoothly. But, if one of us(me or Josh) has something to do and leaves the other.......it leaves the other scrambling! Case in point, last night. The hubs had court..not fun. When I got home after picking everyone up...P and R=school; G=MiMi's....I tried to get everyone to eat...not one of them would. I gave up and gave Reece her bath and sent the boys to their bathroom to do the same. Reece tried to poop in the tub, nice. The boys were watching cartoons(instead of taking a bath) when I was finished with her bath. So I again told them to take a bath and threatened a you know what! That worked! Once everyone started cooperating, it was a fun night! Peyton played on the computer.....
Griffin ate popcorn(AFTER he finally ate supper!).....
And Reece stood right here and talked to the dogs!
No, she didn't wear those red flip flops...those are Peyton's!!

And while all of this was going on...I made this yummy dip...oh it's so good!!!!! There is nothing like watching Alabama football and eating this dip! I'm so ready for football season... ROLL TIDE!!
1 Can of chicken, drained
1/2 cup of sour cream
8 oz. cream cheese, softened
Hot Sauce-I've used different ones, it always taste better with Texas Pete!
2-3 cups of shredded cheddar

And you'll need Tortilla chips for dipping!

Preheat the oven to 350. Mix the cream cheese and sour cream together in a 8x8 baking dish. Mix in the chicken...I leave it kind of chunky. Cover the top with the hot sauce...use as little or as much as you want! It'll look kind of like this....
Then you cover the top of that with the cheese...again, you can use as little or as much as you want! Pop it in the oven for about 20 minutes and try not to eat it all at one time! :)

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