Thursday, January 29, 2009

Break In!

Yesterday when Josh and G-man got home they quickly realized that someone had broken into our house! The burglars were that of the four-legged kind with paws~ and there were a total of 12 paws in the house! They somehow managed to open the back door and they just came on in! Josh walked in the house to find Daisy prancing around the living room, Molly was chillin' on the couch and Lola~or whatever her name is~ was in the kitchen. The house was completely trashed. For those of you that don't live around here it rained yesterday so there were wet paw prints EVERYWHERE! It was about an hour before I got home so, lucky for me, my sweet hubby had it all cleaned up by the time I got there!

Note to self: Lock the back door!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Baby Girl's Party Pics

Yea, so, I forgot to post them! And I am not a bad mom for it...I am a freakin busy mom! Her party was great. Crowded. But great! She DID NOT want that cake anywhere but her hands and mouth. Danty little thing she is! I may be a tiny bit biased, but she is the most beautiful little girl EVER!

Our kitchen is case you were wondering!

Playing with her Aunt Donna!

Sugars for Daddy!
And some for Mommy too!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Party Pics!

Master P's birthday party at the bowling ally was a HUGE hit! What can I say...I'm a genious! ha! There were about 13-14 kids there total plus TONS of adults. He had a blast!

He might have been about to hit me in the head. Maybe. ha!

He loves his Popa!

How cute is that?!?

SO. Freakin. Cute.

I had to include this cute one of the girls!

Friday, January 23, 2009

RIP Mako

It's a sad, sad day at our house. Our sweet Mako passed away sometime last night. The vet never could figure out what was wrong with him. He will never be forgotten, he was our first Doberman. I was terrified when Josh told me that he wanted to get a Doberman. But, the day we got him, he quickly taught me that Dobies are not mean at fact they are 100 pound lap dogs. As I petted him in his favorite spot under his chin night before last, I had a feeling it was the last time I would do so. Mako was a LeGard Doberman....the best of the best...."LeGard's Stray Bullet" was his "real" name. And a stray bullet he was! He sounded like a horse running around our yard! The only thing that makes me feel a tiny bit better is that we have his sweet babies to carry on a little piece of him. Rest In Peace sweet boy, we miss you so much already! :(

April 20, 2006 - January 23, 2009

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Sweet baby!

There's a sweet baby girl who needs your prayers....right now! She was born last Friday and has a rough little start!

Go here

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Master P!

Happy Birthday Baby Boy! We can not believe you are 5 years old! The past 5 years have flown by so fast! You are the sweetest little boy ever! Your excuses for everything and your witty little smirk keep us laughing every single day! You are a smart little are reading already and your teacher, Ms. Dawn, thinks you will be reading on a 1st or 2nd grade level by the time you start Kindergarten. We love you so much!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Name that Puppy!

Yep, two posts in one day!

Let me just say that Lola will not be getting the Mother of the Year Award! She is not a good mommy! She was at first, then she decided to stop nursing the puppies. They had started eating some puppy food but still needed her some too! It's one thing to wean them, but she just cut them off cold turkey! Molly stepped right in and let them nurse some! Last week we noticed that Lola was trying to pick the puppies up and drag them around...needless to say we separated her from them. But, she had already done of the puppies was limping around! When we got home from work last Thursday one of the puppies had an injured eye. Turns out, it was the same puppy with the hurt leg. Lola wasn't to blame for the eye problem because she was in the pen. Josh took the puppy to the vet the next morning....he had to have his eye removed and has a broken leg thanks to his mom. So now, poor little thing, he has a stapled shut eye and a cast on his leg. He goes back next week to have the staples removed and a check up on his leg....and to add more to our ever growing VET BILL!!!! SHEESH! We have decided to keep him for ourselves! He is just so sweet and has been piled in our laps all weekend. So this is where you come in! We need a name! I thought since he looks like a pirate with one eye we should name him Jack Sparrow and call him Jack. Josh doesn't like it. You people need to come out of lurking and help us out! We have 70-80 hits per day, I know you are out there!

Not Me Monday!

Head on over to MckMama's to participate in "Not Me Monday". She'll explain all the details whenever she decides to post today!

Without further ado, here are my Not me's for the week!

When I walked in Five Guys Burgers and Fries last week the employees most certainly did not immediately reconize me! I really need to lay off the burgers....

Last week I was NOT for a microsecond a little dissappointed when you know what came after being a little late meaning I was not preggo! Nope, not me!

I absolutely DO NOT have baby fever. Nope, I don't!(Gosh, I hope my sister gets pregnant soon! ASAP, Al...get on it!)

I did not forget and leave Mako's "people food" on the floor the other night and turn around to find Baby Girl eating one of his french fries. I would never do that!

My husband, you know the cop, has not been pulled over TWICE in the last month by a State Trooper on his way home from work IN UNIFORM(thank goodness!) for his ILLIGAL window tint. Nope, not him!

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Last night was SO COLD! We brought ALLLL the babies inside for the night and took a few pics! Oh and they were SNORNG!

Which one doesn't belong?!?!

Last night was our last night with "bear cub"(that's what G-man calls her!) Thankfully she'll just be down the street at The Collard's! That's actually a really good thing, because I am really attached to her! :) Josh and I gave her extra love and attention last night---she watched American Idol with us! And, she gave us plenty of puppy kisses too!