She is SO sweet! And, no, we didn't need another dog...this makes 4....but, she needed a home and how could we say no to that sweet face?!?!?! We eventually wanted a black female so we could breed Mako and she just kind of fell in our lap so to speak! We still don't have a name for her.....please leave comments and give us some suggestions! Something feminine but not too sissy! It should also go well with Mako, Molly and Daisy!
What about "Sugar" And where in the world did you get this dog. I didn't know anything about it until I read your blog last night and saw that you had another one...Man, that takes the cake, 4 dogs and 3, your plate is running over...
She looks like a "sugar". Just an idea...
Love ya,
She looks like a Lexi to me ;)
....or maybe Maggie
...or maybe Maggie
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