Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Catch up!

It's blood day again so I'm gonna catch up around here! I'm throwing it all in one post! haha!

Sooooo, I went skydiving again. :) We jumped with a different place this time. Only because we had previously booked with them(before I jumped at the beach) and already had paid deposits. Our jump with them was previously delayed because of weather. It was fun and I LOVED it again BUT I'll be jumping with the beach folks next time. We went about 4000 feet higher to jump and it was COLD as we were free falling. If you know me then you know how much I HATE to be cold. It was cold enough that I had trouble catching a breath and I didn't like that AT ALL! Nope. It was still the thrill of a lifetime! And I had more fun parachuting this time because I knew how to handle it!

It was my bro in laws first skydive and guess what?! He's hooked too! haha!

I chose not to wear the jumpsuit...I promise I was just as safe as they were! haha! Lots of people have asked me about that. My harness was exactly the same, I just didn't have on a suit!

 This is on the wall inside...it's very true! lol
 This man loves me! He let's me do CRAZY, insane things like jump out of airplanes!

 Just because they're cute...
Back in the fall we sold all of our goats except for two! I was overwhelmed with life and we had so many they weren't bringing me joy! You have to rotate your males out anyway so we dwindled our herd to two girls! A few weeks ago some of our baby goats showed up on my time-hop...cue the baby goat fever!! Gosh, they are so cute. I sweet talked the hubs into another male goat...and now we have a new little fella! His name was Rocky when we got him...the kids want to keep that but I want to name him Oliver and call him Ollie! :) He and Brooks are BEST buddies so he will probably win that one! hah!

Griffin recently had his spring band concert!

Brooks had a field trip to the zoo last week! I love me some him! My sister and Cason went with us because why not?!

Brooks is loving baseball! He's getting better and better. I guess being the baby on the team is paying off! He hit a triple the other day...what? He hit it all the way to the fence...would have been a home run had he known to keep running! hahaha!

 Mia got her first hair cut yesterday! I was going to just have it trimmed but then decided a bob would be super cute!!

 Reece recently had her color run at school!
 A few random pics that fell out of place and I don't have it in me to move them! haha! Y'all I'm on the struggle bus trying to get to the end of the school year. Between baseball, football spring practice, gymnastics, blood days, awards days, mother's day school festivities, concerts....all the year end things going on Josh and I are SO TIRED!

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