Monday, April 30, 2018

Field Tripping!

A few weeks ago I went with Reece's class to Chattanooga, TN! We had to be at the school at 5am. Now, I'm a morning person and that's normally what time I get up for the day but that was WAY too early for a field trip! Since I get car sick so easily I always opt out of riding any type of bus, even a charter bus, so I dropped Reece off and headed to our first destination! It was about a 3 hour drive. I don't particularly like driving that far by myself but I just drank a ton of coffee and listened to a few podcasts. The time went by quickly!

Our first stop was the Incline Railway. I should mention that it was super cold and rainy! We had a fun ride to the top of Lookout Mountain and the kids enjoyed a snack up there! We then rode back down and headed to the Tennessee Aquarium!

There were approximately 79,000 people there that day. IT.WAS.INSANE. I had three little girls in my group, including Reece, and was SO STRESSED out that I may lose one of them! Even one of the little girls was stressed with it being so crowded. We quickly made our way through because it was so crowded we couldn't really see. We also ate lunch there.

After that, I signed Reece out and we headed back to Tuscaloosa where we belong!

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