Friday, November 10, 2017

Meet Rosie, Cheer Competition and Halloween!

These were going to be three separate posts! HA!

Well, Meet Rosie!

She's Reece's new pup! She was a super early birthday gift. Reece has been asking for a puppy for a very, very long time and I kept saying no. I didn't want anymore inside dogs, even after the ones we have are gone. Or so I thought. Then it hit me that Reece is SUCH a good kid and helps SO SO much with the littles. Most of the time we don't even ask her to help, she just does. Josh and I will both tell you, we would be lost without Reece and her help! :) So, new puppy for her! haha!

The other dogs are not so excited about the new addition. Chippie is our 16 year old Chihuahua and she doesn't mind the puppy. In fact, I think she likes her because she wags her tail when she's around. Daisy on the other hand, she's just butt hurt. She'll pear around the couch and just look at me all hurt. Yikes. She'll get over it, right???

Last weekend was one we have been working hard for! Reece's cheer competition! These girls have worked SO hard on their routine. They pulled it off and came in 2nd place! So very proud of all of them! And, glad to have some free time now!

And to end the most random post of all, Halloween! We went to my sister's house to trick or treat with cousins! We had a hayride around the neighborhood and then went to Big Mama's! :)

Oh! And somewhere in the mix of all that we carved pumpkins! This was Mia's first time and she's DEF my child because she wasn't about to touch that mess!!


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