Thursday, August 17, 2017

Another Broken Bone

I think it goes without saying that life is always crazy at our house. Always. We have been SUPER busy since school started back!

On the day that school started back Griffin and Peyton got into a fight outside(at home) with each other. Whether they were horsing around or actually throwing punches I don't know. I'm sure the latter. They are teenage brothers who are 15 months apart and this happens.

A few days later Griffin came to me and showed me his swollen hand. The top of his hand was pretty swollen. Side note: They were horsing around in one of our hotel rooms in China and Griffin hit his hand on a door and it was swollen up the same way it was this time. It was fine a few days later(We weren't about to do anything about it there unless it was REALLY bad.) so we thought it would be ok. He could move all of his fingers and wasn't in any pain at all. But he has a really high pain tolerance so...

We gave it a few more days and decided to have it x-rayed. If you recall, when he broke his foot to pieces almost a year ago I just KNEW from the get go it was broken and lost my mind with guilt a few days later when we found out it was broken. I didn't feel that way AT ALL this time so I grabbed Griff and off we went to the doctor and I fully expected them to tell us it was not broken. They did the x-ray and a few minutes later the doctor came in and told us it was broken and displaced. My jaw was on the floor. We failed AGAIN. When the doctor left the room tears filled my eyes and Griff was like, "NOOOOOOOOOOOO...I am FINE! It's fine. I'm ok.!"

We paid a visit to his orthopedic surgeon yesterday who walked in the room and was like, "DUDE what now!?" So, tomorrow he will have surgery to place pins. Sigh.

We also talked with the doctor about him breaking another bone so soon and he thinks it's just bad luck. Since all of his breaks have been cause by something high impact. I agree.

It's the middle finger, in his hand.

 Say a prayer for him please! At least he isn't on crutches this time! :)

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