Monday, December 15, 2014

Reece’s Frozen Skating Party!

We celebrated Reece’s birthday a couple of weeks early this year! When you are born 5 days before Christmas you get to do this sort of thing! ;) She wanted a Frozen party-of course she did, along with every other birthday girl! And she also wanted an ice skating party! Perfect! It was freezing in the arena BUT we had a cozy little fireplace in our party room!

IMG_20141206_135542DSC_1428DSC_1454 DSC_1445 DSC_1452  DSC_1455 DSC_1467 DSC_1471 She was too shy to blow her candles out…cue your BFF’s! haha! They handled it!DSC_1476 DSC_1502 I LOVE this of my sweet little niece peeking through the glass!!DSC_1513 DSC_1530 DSC_1531 We love our birthday girl! I can’t believe she will be SEVEN on Saturday! She has her birthday all planned out! ;)DSC_1533 And also…our cute little party favors!IMG_20141206_094251  And, for my records, her invite:



Stephanie Brockhouse said...

What is Reece's 1st name?! I noticed jCr on her monnogram!

April said...

It's Isabella! Unfortunately, monogrammed "I's" look like "J's"!