Yesterday morning bright and early we surprised the kids with a road trip! We hit the road at 6 am and they were so excited when they figured out we were on our way to Six Flags in Atlanta! Griffin and Peyton are our little dare devil boys…they wanted to ride EVERYTHING! Which is fine with me because I love to ride myself! Reece is tall enough for several of the big roller coasters now so she had lots of fun along with the boys! And the ones that I rode with them…I laughed so hard I cried! Her face was hilarious!
This little guy was SO good! He is the best baby, we just drag him anywhere and everywhere…he’s so chill.
They have added a water park on to the theme park…it’s pretty much awesome because you get pretty hot riding rides, etc. and then you just change and head on over to cool off! I stuck with the little two and Josh rode all the water rides with Griffin and Peyton!
We stayed ALL day and shut the park down when it closed! We had the BEST family day!
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