I feel like I’m writing these posts every 5 minutes! Time is flying.
Brooks, you are FOUR months old!
We had your 4 month well check up yesterday and you are 15 pounds, 10 ounces.(50th percentile) You are 25 3/4 inches long(75th percentile) and your head is 17 1/4 inches(95th percentile). In other words, you’re perfect!
We got the go ahead to start solids but I think we’ll wait a few weeks. Dr. V is perfectly fine with that. Nursing is just going so well and I don’t want to do anything different just yet.
Still in the size 2 diaper and 3-6 month clothes.
Still have sweet baby blue eyes with long eye lashes!
You found your feet this month & you think they are fabulous!
My favorite thing you learned this month is to give me kisses! If I kiss your cheek you turn and give me sugar right in the mouth! LOVE.
Still no teeth but it’s not for lack of trying on your part!
You still love bath time. OH how you LOVE bath time. Video soon on here!
You love to stand up!
You try to pull yourself upright when you are in your car seat or any kind of place where you are reclined.
You are grabbing for toys and putting things straight into your mouth.
You are “talking” up a storm and laughing out loud more!
We have found a few tickle spots! ;)
You are sleeping ok. Sometimes you get up once, other times you get up twice.
Car rides are getting better! You still cry but not every single time we’re in the car.
I really can’t believe you are already 4 months old. It seems like yesterday we didn’t even “know” you yet! We love you SO much Brooksie-Poo!
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