Monday, June 24, 2013

Fun in the Sun!

This weekend we spent some much needed time at the beach! This was Brooks’ first trip and he did great! I, on the other hand, am worn slap out! It was worth it though! AND Hubs received an email while we were down there that he’s now off on the weekends again so now we can go anytime!

The older three kids LOVE the beach so I really didn’t think Brooks would be any different. And he wasn’t! He’s a beach bum too! He slept most of the time either in the Moby Wrap(which he LOVES) or on me or Josh! He’s not old enough for sun screen so I was terrified of him getting burnt, I just kept him covered completely when we weren’t under an umbrella or tent!(which was only walking to/from the car!) Nursing wasn’t that big of an issue, we have a Yukon so I just took him to the car and he nursed in the back. That was a great time to cool off too!

Reece and I did a little shopping…gotta have girl time! And we took the kids to one of the arcades and blew way too much money and drove go-carts! ;)

Um I know she’s mine, but come on! So STANKIN cute!DSC_0386

I LOVE that there are SIX of us! For real, six! And I love that Reece and I are outnumbered! No worries, we hold our own! We’re definitely in charge of all these boys! DSC_0382 Yes, that would be Griffin! HA!DSC_0385  They would be perfectly content to do this all day!DSC_0393His first time to see the ocean! ;)DSC_0375 Tan little booger!DSC_0402 DSC_0406 DSC_0428 I had these big plans to dress them all cute and take pictures on the beach. Um, yea…no. Too tired for all that so I settled for the couch! HAHA! Maybe next time!DSC_0433


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Hospital Stay!

Why yes, I am just now getting around to posting about our stay in the hospital when Brooks was born…EIGHT weeks ago! HA!

I am one of those weird people who LIKES to be in the hospital having a baby. I know. But it’s fun to me! Brooks was born on a Monday and we went home on Wednesday morning. Even though I like it, I was ready to be at home! I can never sleep while in the hospital, I always end up staying up ALL night the night baby is born. I mostly just stare at the sweetness. I guess it’s because I know I need to soak up that time that I have to myself. I only slept a couple of hours the entire time we were in the hospital so I was completely wiped out by the time we left! Thankfully my rockstar husband took off work for two weeks!DSC_0095

I don’t really have any stories to tell, we just visited with family and friends who came by and kissed on baby Brooks a lot! Oh there is one story…the photographer!  At our hospital the people that take the baby’s hospital picture are not hospital staff. Tuesday morning the lady came in our room to take his picture. They never give you warning about when they are coming, so if you’re busy, too bad so sad. So she came in and said she would give me a few minutes to get him dressed and would be back. I didn’t really want pictures but since we did them with the other three I decided that we might as well do them. I got him dressed in the sweet little blue day gown that Griffin and Peyton wore for their picture that my mom made. She came back in and was setting  up my bed to take the pictures on. She moved the bed to the highest position it would go and made a “nest” on the end of my bed with my boppy pillow. She then proceeded to put my brand new baby in said “nest”. Now. He was on the end of the bed in an elevated position on the boppy pillow. He was so close to the end of the bed that his feet were touching her. He could have slid off had she moved. She then said,”Ok mommy, need you to move back.” This would be because I was standing close enough to catch my kid if I needed to!!!! I looked at her like she had lost her ever loving mind and said, “UM, you have my newborn baby on the end of a bed, I’m not moving.” And then she brought her arms to her chest and touched her fingers together and said,”um well do you want shadows on his pictures?” in a smarty way. I gave her a “go to hell” look and said, “ummmm NO and I don’t need your pictures either” as I was grabbing him up outta her stupid nest and I immediately turned by back to her with him in my arms. She said,”well ma’am I’m sorry you feel this way.(is she for real?) I want you to know in 5 years I have never had an accident(is she for real?).”

And then I said, “and you’re NOT going to have one with my baby either.”

So she packed up and left.

Hubs was sitting on the couch this entire time, he knew the momma tiger was coming.

That lady was loony tunes. Couldn’t she have offered to take the pics somewhere else since it made me uncomfortable?

Anyway, other than that our hospital stay was perfect! The nurses were incredible. I felt VERY well taken care of! Every minute of the day! They were so sweet and caring.

OH and one more little exciting story from the hospital! My sister and I work together, we bring our babies to work with us for a while. So, since it would be tough to have two babies at work at the same time, the plan was for her to get pregnant when Brooks was born. On Tuesday while she was visiting me in the hospital she told me that she thought she was going to take a pregnancy test the next morning. Wellllllll at 1 am I got this text…photoAs soon as I saw it I let out a shreek!!! Hubs jumped straight up out if a dead sleep…”what’s wrong?!” Me, “OMGGGGG Al is pregnant!!” Yeehaw! We were pregnant at the same time and didn’t even know it! HA! oops!

Back to Brooks…

After his bath!20130422_200853 My middle of the night view!20130423_042842 I’m not going to commentate all of these! AND please by all means do not get your feelings hurt if you visited and your pic is NOT here! Several of the pictures didn’t turn out so well!!photo  DSC_0044 DSC_0037DSC_0060 DSC_0065 DSC_0068 DSC_0073 DSC_0970 DSC_0108 DSC_0114 DSC_0117 DSC_0130 DSC_0126 DSC_0129 DSC_0133 DSC_0139 DSC_0104 That “L” is comical! Wasn’t worried about changing it to a “B” while we were there! HA! Landon is still his first name so it’s ok!DSC_0142  Headed home!20130424_103018


Tuesday, June 11, 2013


SmalleragainMy sweet friend Jenna has started a new online boutique! She has the CUTEST clothes! And, y’all aren’t going to believe this, but her prices are VERY reasonable!!! YAY! Plus there’s free shipping! The top that I wore to Brooks’ Sip n See was from there!

This is her website

You can also find her on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!

Go visit her now!

Happy shopping! :)

Monday, June 10, 2013

Sip n See

On Saturday my friend Jamie and my sister hosted a Sip n See for Brooks! It was super fun and he got some fun surprises, including sunglasses for his first beach trip next week! ;)

Yes, he does cry!DSC_0276

These had Hershey Kisses in them… DSC_0278 DSC_0281 He needed a snack!DSC_0279 DSC_0282 DSC_0284 DSC_0286 DSC_0292 DSC_0293 For.real. These two…I don’t even know what to say!DSC_0297 “Give me more cupcakes!” face…DSC_0306 DSC_0307 Oh man I love these two!DSC_0309 DSC_0310

Someone was jealous!Photo: Sip n see shower fun! :)DSC_0345 DSC_0363 LOVE her! No, we didn’t match on purpose! :)DSC_0369