Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Sweet Emmalynn
Isn’t she so beautiful?!
For some reason her lungs were not fully developed and so we’re all just patiently waiting on them!
VERY patiently.
My sister in law was discharged yesterday. Boo. I can not imagine having to leave my baby that I had just carried for 9+ months!
I can not wait to kiss those sweet cheeks!!
Please keep her in your prayers!
Friday, March 23, 2012
Baby Girls and (more)Baby Chicks!
On Josh’s side of the family, the granddaughters now out number the grandsons!! :) heehee!
Maybe we will even it out soon. Reece now wants a brother! :) haha. I still want another girl. kinda.
Today is also Josh’s younger brother’s birthday! Us sisters like to give the brothers-in-law fabulous birthday presents because Griffin was born on Josh’s other brothers birthday! The one who had the baby today! Got all that? Good.
Soooo y’all know how hard I was trying to find WHITE Silkie Chickens. Well, I found a lady on craigslist that hatched 28 on Tuesday. Only thing was she lives two hours away! Lucky for me my lover love was going to be about an hour away from the lady yesterday so he picked up SIX for me!
And had he not been in the area he would have gone anyway. My man is fabulous.
They are SO SO SO SO very tiny. Itsy Bitsy! Less than half of the size of the other chicks we had!! I’d say about half the size of the palm of your hand. They will only weigh 1.5 – 3 pounds when fully grown!
Without further ado, meet Marshmellow, Sugar, Snowball, Coco(Thanks Tori!), Cotton and Casper!
Please ignore the “fresh outta the tub and half naked” look. That’s just how he rolls!
Monday, March 19, 2012
Busy Weekend!
All that’s left to do is to put the wiring around the pen and a little bit of painting! Then on the inside we’ve got to get our nesting boxes and roosting poles and we’re all set!
Then it’s my turn…y’all know I’m going to make it cute, right?! Surely you know me well enough to know that our coop will be snazzy?
And I was calling it Cluckingham Palace..but now I kind of like Hen Hilton???
While the hubs had his hands full with all of that work, I had my own little project to work on…
May not look like such a big job to you but that was just grass before!! ALOT of hard work from this momma! I wish I had a before pic!
I also need to figure out a spot for our little strawberry patch!
I’m starting to stray away from getting the goats. I don’t know…maybe we still will. But as much as we go to the beach and stuff in the summer…that would be one more thing to take care of!
Chippie and Daisy are the only two allowed to travel :)
Friday, March 16, 2012
Healthy Pins!
What have you pinned on Pinterest this week? I found this on there a day or so ago…
Do you like to eat ranch dip with raw veggies? Me too! Do you like yogurt? Me either! yuck! haha! BUT, if you take a packet of dry ranch and mix it in a 16 oz of non-fat, plain greek yogurt…it tastes the EXACT same and is WAY better for you!!! YAY!!! That’s what I had for dinner last night!
And don’t think that just because I’m on a big health kick that I’m not bad sometimes! I also made a red velvet bread pudding last night that was to DIE for!!!
I’ll share that recipe soon!
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Where have I been?
My poor blog has taken a backseat. :( I’m just a busy little bee!
I woke to this sweetness Saturday morning! I love how she is the perfect mix of me, Josh, Griffin and Peyton! There’s a little bit of all of us in her! Well, a lot of me. :)I made that Snicker’s salad that’s on Pinterest… It was ok. I won’t be making it again.
We’ve been spending ALOT of time with chicky chicks!
Moved them to one of our dog crates…works PERFECT! Here they are napping…
And in my
not so spare time, I’m usually at the gym! See, you can do two things at once…and if you know me in real life you are laughing right now!Hey, watching Y&R AND burning 150 calories at the SAME TIME!!!! Hellllurrrrr!
Have I mentioned that I am dying for some beach time??? I REALLY want to spend my 30th birthday down there in a few weeks, but there’s an air show here that weekend. Hubs will more than likely have to work. Goody. Not only should you be thanking cops for their sacrifices but you should thank their WIVES! haha!
Actually, you should. We worry. A LOT.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Baby Boys!
Monday, March 5, 2012
And then there were TEN…
On Thursday, Hubby, Griff and Peyton decided that four chicks wasn’t enough. So off they went to buy more and ended up getting SIX more! That means we now have 10 chicks living with us!
Gosh I took this pic Thursday and they have at least doubled in size! They grow so fast!
They are all so cute and friendly! We’ve had fun catching grasshoppers and feeding them to them! Well Griffin has been doing the catching…y’all know I’m not touching those things!
Side note: Griffin caught too many grasshoppers on Friday so I told him to just leave them in the box he had them in and stick them outside(he had pulled their legs off so they weren’t going anywhere! hahahahaha)…the next morning I found them in our brand new deep freezer!!! AHHH!! Thankfully there was no food in there yet! ha! So not only did he de-leg them, he froze them to death! Gosh.
Cluckingham Palace is coming right along… Josh and his Dad have worked their BUTTS off on this thing! Can’t wait til it’s done!
On Saturday we went to our friend Addison’s 4th birthday party! It was Alabama themed and Big Al showed up :) My boys thought they were too big to take a picture with him and Reece…
She talked about the party all week and was so excited to see Big Al, until he walked in the door! She disappeared and I found her crying in the bathroom! Oh well!
PeyPey wasn’t feeling well that day…said he had a headache!
I started getting twin comments on the boys again this weekend! They are the same size these days! :)
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Meet the Chicklings!
Meet Dolly, Daisy, Chippie, Reece and Rocky. She had them named before we even got out of the parking lot! I think it’s funny that she named one after herself and the dogs! I do like Rocky and Dolly..those are pretty cute chicken names! :)
This one on the left is my favorite! I think it’s because she is a lot smaller than the others!
This little gal has been SUPER intrigued by what’s in that box…
Josh called me soon after I got to work and told me that one of the little black ones died. :( Hopefully we won’t lose anymore!