Wednesday, November 9, 2011

God is Great, God is Good!

Reece’s Thanksgiving Feast was today at school! It was pretty much a repeat of last year, except all the babies have grown! And I say repeat because she DOES NOT like to sing/perform in front of ANYONE except for me and Josh! She didn’t sing one word to one song. Nothing. And she’s been singing these songs at home for months! We sing them everyday. Oh well!

Josh has training today. He found out last minute that it started an hour before he thought so he didn’t get to come to the feast :( I don’t think Reece minded too much because Paw Paw got to come in his place! (other grandparents don’t be mad, it was last minute I promise!)DSC_0002

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I’m just thankful that I don’t have to worry about her acting up like some of the others were. There was one little boy crawling under the table, and his parents were letting him! Seriously.

And of course I’m VERY THANKFUL for my Isabella Reece!!!!!!!!

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