Wednesday, November 23, 2011


I have SO SO much to be thankful for. Sometimes I feel too blessed. I have the sweetest, best husband EVER, the cutest little babies, the BEST family a girl could ask for…and I have a TON of family. And have I mentioned that my sisters are the bomb? Reece NEEDS a sister!

My job is crazy fabulous. And then there’s this gym we’re about to open that just adds icing to the cake! So excited about what’s coming with that.

I watched Faces of the Storm last night. I sat there and sobbed pretty much the whole time I was watching. It’s easy for us to get caught up in the rebuilding of this town and look past what we need to be remembering about that day. All the lives wrecked..people who lost their lives and homes.

We ALL need to be thankful EVERYDAY not just that last Thursday in November!

I hope you all have an amazing Thanksgiving weekend. I am going to eat like it’s my J-O-B!

OH OH OH!!!!! AND ROLL TIDE ROLL!!! Can’t wait for the Iron Bowl! :)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Big Mama update and other random thoughts!

Big Mama went HOME on Wednesday! That’s right peeps, just three short weeks after breaking her hip, she’s already home! yay! That’s just awesome!

Today, Allison and I had Thanksgiving lunch with Griff! It was fun to eat with him but I’m glad that I don’t have to eat lunchroom food again for a while!photo 1 photo 2 Our gym is coming right along! (hence the lack of blogging!)So excited! It really is going to be one of a kind! I can’t wait to post pictures and for you locals to come visit!! We’ll be having a huge open house/grand opening and of course you ALL are invited! :)

I hope y’all have a fabulous weekend! We’ll be seeing a movie tomorrow and having our Christmas Card pictures taken! Yippeee!!!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

God is Great, God is Good…take 2!

Josh and I just had lunch at school with Peyton! Yummy Yummy school lunch! haha!photo

We had to sit on the stage in the cafeteria so the lighting wasn’t so great and it was kind of crowded…so not great pics! :) It was fun to eat with just Peyton!

In other news, Big Mama is going home next Wednesday!!!!!! YAY!

Take 3 next week..the older kids at school have to have their Thanksgiving lunch later!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

God is Great, God is Good!

Reece’s Thanksgiving Feast was today at school! It was pretty much a repeat of last year, except all the babies have grown! And I say repeat because she DOES NOT like to sing/perform in front of ANYONE except for me and Josh! She didn’t sing one word to one song. Nothing. And she’s been singing these songs at home for months! We sing them everyday. Oh well!

Josh has training today. He found out last minute that it started an hour before he thought so he didn’t get to come to the feast :( I don’t think Reece minded too much because Paw Paw got to come in his place! (other grandparents don’t be mad, it was last minute I promise!)DSC_0002

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I’m just thankful that I don’t have to worry about her acting up like some of the others were. There was one little boy crawling under the table, and his parents were letting him! Seriously.

And of course I’m VERY THANKFUL for my Isabella Reece!!!!!!!!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Roll Tide’s All I Got!

Can’t think of a blog title because this town is ONLY focused on tomorrow’s big game.

Seriously people. Seriously. And if you aren’t nervous or anxious then you aren’t a real fan. The.end.

photo 2You see those little bumps??? They are really all down the side of his face and on his eyelid! It started with a fever blister type of thing in the corner of his mouth. I get those when the weather starts changing so I assumed that it was the same thing. Griffin is the male version of me so I really thought that was what it was. Then yesterday morning when he woke up he had a few little bumps around it. I thought that was weird so I put some medicine on it and sent him to school. When I got home from work it had spread all over his face. Peachy. So I put some different medicine on it and decided to visit the doc this morning.

In the waiting 1 See, I told you we eat, sleep and breathe Alabama Football in this town! :)

Turns out, we’re not real sure what Griff has. Could be a number of things. The medicine that I put on it last night started drying it out so I’m just going to keep that up, hopefully, if not the doctor gave me something else to try!

We decided that he shouldn’t go to school today just in case. So on the way home we spotted the ESPN Game Day bus. He INSISTED that we stalk it down! ha! And he wasn’t going to be happy until we were RIGHT behind it!photo 3 He wanted to follow it until it stopped to see if he could see anyone that he knew but I had to get to work!

I hope you all have a fantabulous weekend and ROLL TIDE ROLL! :)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


We had a fun Halloween with our little spooks! :)DSC_1064 DSC_1065 DSC_1066 DSC_1068 DSC_1069 DSC_1071 DSC_1070 DSC_1072 DSC_1073 DSC_1074 DSC_1075

PS-I was THAT mom that said,”My boys will NEVER be anything scary for Halloween.” Fail.