Monday, October 17, 2011

Griff’s Party Pics!

First of all, we did a whole lotta zip lining this weekend! Super fun!




Everyone had a blast at the party. These are the only pictures I have because my camera card was full. PARENT FAIL! But, lucky for me, my step-dad was there with his full blown camera equipment. As soon as I get those, I will post! :)

With the birthday boy and my skinny hubby…DSC_0893

He.loves.his.TAY TAY!!!!


And his WEECE! DSC_0895 DSC_0896


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Sweet little Keltie-bugDSC_0970

This is Josh’s newest co-worker showing off her hoola-hooping skills! bhahaha!

DSC_0971 DSC_0972 DSC_0973 DSC_0974This is when my camera said it was full :/ but more pics to come!

I should also note that we had mexican the night before(on his actual birthday) He didn’t order off of the kids menu, he ordered off the adult menu. He ordered THREE MAN-SIZED tacos and had them eaten in 2.6 seconds!

He’s only 9.

He’s going to eat us out of house and home.

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