Today I want to play catch up on my blog! This post has a week+ of things that I meant to post about last week and never got the chance!
So, put your seatbelt on!
We made these yummy treats! And I’m not going to lie. The kids drove me NUTS when we were working on them. To the point where I had to finish them myself because they were arguing and arguing and whining and whining…ugh. It was not pretty. I love my babies more than anything but I would be lying if I said that they didn’t drive me bonkers every now and then :)

I think it’s pretty self explanatory how we/I made them!
Last weekend was gorgeous around here! It was in the upper 60’s and we stayed outside most of the weekend. We ventured down to my granddad’s farm where the boys got to feed a baby calf! This doesn’t happen very often because usually the mommy cows are good with their babies but this one wasn’t!
You can’t tell as well as I thought but there are about 20 little calves out there right now! That makes me SUPER excited because that means spring really is coming!!! I hate cold weather!
Speaking of babies…I was watching one of those shows on Animal Planet the other day..can’t remember the name..something about a zoo??? Anyway, one of the elephants was about to give birth. I thought they wouldn’t show it all but oh my word they did! I sat there with my jaw on the floor for about 5 minutes!!! It was amazing and scary(and I’ve done it three times…well, not elephants)!
Back on task…
I promised y’all that i would explain how I made that rainbow cake back in September…well truth be told, I just made another one yesterday that’s why I haven’t posted about it!
You mix a cake according to the directions on the box. Then divide the batter equally into six bowls or how ever many different colors you want. I used styrofoam bowls for easy clean up..I guess I should think about going green! I have three kids people give me a break!
Then you just add food coloring to make whatever colors you want…
Then one by one you pour the batter from each bowl into your cake pan/pans. I used a bundt pan this time because it has heart shapes on the top…never again! It turned out ugly!
But the inside was still pretty!
I think I’m going to try cupcakes next time! Fun!
So I think I’m caught up! The boys went to lunch with the Alabama baseball players on Saturday with Josh’s parents and had a blast! I’ll get them to send me pictures so I can post them on here!
xoxo and no more Gigi’s cupcakes for a while,