Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Bad Blogger

I know! But, we've just been SO freakin' busy! Baseball, Baseball, Baseball, Reece has been sick, sick, sick, we are trying to find a new maintenance person at work, work, work....the list goes on and on and on! But, we love every minute of it!

Have you seen Allison's blog today? We have interviews ALLLLL day today and I walked in the door to the office looked at her and just laughed....we have on the exact same shirt! Nice. And, there's no time to run home and change or to be blogging for that matter!

There will be baseball pictures soon. Josh and Peyton are on a field trip to the zoo to come on that one too! I wish I was with them!


P.S. Don't forget to pray for Stellan.

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