Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Puppies Puppies EVERYWHERE!
It's high time to update on our sweet puppies!!! Lola ended up with six puppies...that's right, we lost SIX! Sad. Sad. She just could not take care of twelve...she slowly pushed them away one by one until she only had six left. Of course we didn't just stand by and let her starve them...we tried and tried to save every single one of them. We bought puppy milk and puppy bottles and tried to feed them but, it just didn't work! Josh took them last week and had their tails docked and their dew claws removed. They are getting FAT! They opened their eyes this past weekend and they are starting to try and walk. We have decided to keep one of the little males. I know, I know...we don't need another dog, this will make five. But Josh really wants a black/tan male, so there you go! And I can't say no! No way! I am in love with all six of them, I wish we could keep them all. Make that all SEVEN of them...which brings me to THE REST OF THE STORY!!!! Last Thursday I ran home during the day to get something. When I got there Josh looked at me and said, "Guess what." and kind of tilted his head toward the backyard. I am sure my eyes got as big as saucers..."ARE YOU KIDDING?!?!?!" I said. He laughed and said, "Nope." That's right folks! Molly, our lab, was having puppies! No kidding. We just laughed...I mean, what good would it do to cry?!?! ha! She had three and two of them died. So she has one sweet baby and she is PRECIOUS! Mako gets around! sheesh!

1 comment :
theyre sooooo cute! what kind of pups are they?
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