Tuesday, June 23, 2020

A Quarantined Birthday!

We celebrated Brooks' birthday quarantine style this year! His birthday was April 22 and I'm just now getting around to post about it. These last few months have been CRAZY to say the least. 

Y'all know how much we make a big deal out of birthdays in our house...we weren't going to let covid damper our parade! We celebrated B from the time he woke up until he went to bed! I had the yard party people leave signs in our yard. When he first woke up we sang "Happy Birthday" and had a donut cake! Then Josh took him fishing, which is exactly what B wanted to do! We had pizza, cake and ice cream and ended the day with a party parade! Our family waited down the road from our house and all drove by together with balloons and signs! It was fun! They drove by a second time and dropped off gifts and we handed out cake! It was really fun to be able to see our people!

We did the best we could and it ended up being super fun! 

Oh, and the very next day he had to have surgery for an abscessed tooth. :( I'm telling y'all, it's been crazy.